Michael Campbell’s MoneyTalks – Complete Show

Will Rising Mortgage Rates Be the Last Straw

Two shocking stats: 1.  47% of Canadians have to renew their mortgage in the next 12 months…at higher rates. 2. Government policies add $186,000 to the cost of a new home in Toronto.

rising rates

Federal Parties Collect Millions Without Receipts

money politics

It’s more than ironic that the new election rules still allow the federal parties to collect tens of million in expenses without providing receipts or invoices. Meanwhile – the government demands that you provide receipts for even the most minor expense claims on your income tax.

That’s What I Call Confused

high gas

One minute we’re concerned over climate change and carbon emissions and the next we have some of the same people demanding that the government step in and do something to lower prices, which encourages more consumption. 

Turnaround Opportunities

benjMost folks know Benj Gallander as one of the Contra Guys from the Globe and Mail and BNN. Benj joined Mike to discuss his approach to finding companies that are poised on a potentail ‘turnarounds’ that can generate superior turns. In his case 22.5% annually for the last five years!

~ Starts at the 2:23 mark

Forget First Time Home Buyers

affordable housingPoliticians talk about affordability and first time buyers but their actions tell a very different story. The mortgage stress test, higher interest rates, property purchase tax, speculation tax, new school tax, green levies, development fees, rising property taxes cost buyers and owners tens of thousands.