Mike's Daily Comment

The Favourite Rationale For Increasing Taxes

civilTaxes are the price we pay for civilization” at least if you call paying over $5 million for a Parliamentary ice rink that was used for less than 3 weeks civilized. Or over $576,000 in taxes so that the feds could plant stories in Canadian weekly newspapers…now that’s civilized.

MoneyTalks April 21st – Complete Show

microphoneFeature guest Mark Leibovit on Crypto Currencies, Marijuana and Oil. Plus Mike’s editorial, the Goofy, Stat and Quote of the Week, Hot Property and so much more!

CryptoCurrencies, Marijuana and Oil

cryptoThe latest from Mark Liebovit, Timer’s Digest Timer of the Year on the hottest industries in the markets.

~ Starts at the 2:40 mark

Where Did We Go Wrong With Our Kids

SnekInstant Wisdom

Simon Snek, gave one of the most popular TED talk of all time – 10 million viewers.  Everywhere he goes he’s asked about where we went wrong with our kids.

~ Starts at the 16:09 mark

Are You Kidding Me?

suzukiDavid Suzuki calls economists brain damaged while grossly misrepresenting and denigrating the growing group of environmental economists who put a price on climate change, solution and a host of other extrenalities. Despite his anti-intellectualism the University of Alberta is honouring him.

P.S. It’s not just the economics departments that have a huge problem with David Suzuki’s honourary degree. Engineering Professor Fraser Forbes voices the resentment of his department and indsutry at the cluelessness of the University’s Senate who conferred the honour in the link below.  ~MC

University Of Alberta’s Engineering Dean Speaks Out About Suzuki Honourary Degree – https://www.ualberta.ca/engineering/news/2018/april/message-from-fraser-forbes 

~ Starts at the 34:47 mark